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New season, new beginnings

The future (and return?)
of Reading Writers

A little while ago, Dave Schroeder, my co-host on Reading Writers, and I were talking about what we wanted to do with the podcast going forward. We had a great first season together and really started to have some fun with it… But the fact is that along the way, we had a bit of mission creep.

See, originally, Reading Writers was meant to be a podcast where different authors and I would talk about their reading habits, as well as the books they’re reading. Periodically, I would just gab about the different books I was reading too. But over the past year, we started to go a different direction, talking more about the different genres we were reading and the influence of books on our lives. Every so often we’d have a guest, but really, these were, largely, limited to friends who we just enjoy talking books with.

So we realized, something had to change—either we needed to go back to the original vision for the show, or we needed to roll with it and change the vision. 

So we changed the vision.

Listen in as you hear what’s happening with the podcast on the first episode of its new season—and first episode, really, of a new series.

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